Chapter 3: Management Plan Prescriptions

The management follows the tree felling cutting rules approved by Forest Department Sarawak.  The primary objectives for forest management of this FMP are:

  • Optimum utilization of the forest resources to ensure sustainable timber production and revenue based on annual allowable cut (AAC).
  • Implement RIL harvesting to optimize production of timber resources and minimize environmental impact due to the harvesting operation.
  • Regenerating forests and enhancing commercial timber stocks by adopting suitable silvicultural methods to ensure sustainability of forest for future crop.
  • Always monitoring the forest growth through forest mensuration and stand assessment besides to make sure that the volume of harvesting is not in excess of estimated volume of regeneration of the residual stands.
  • To have a multiple-use of forest such as social, economic and environmental purposes within the context of economic viability through careful budgeting and cost projection for the FMU.
  • To make sure that the actual harvesting coupe area is not in excess of the annual allowable cutting area, calculated based on the net operable harvesting area to be divided by cutting cycle of 25 years (36,091 ha ÷ 25 = 1,443.64 Ha).
  • To establish the HCVF areas through demarcation on ground that will remain undisturbed with buffer too.
  • To make sure that DF Circular Nos. 6/99, 2/2019 and SFC Circular Nos. 1/2021 and 2/2021 is available and should be strictly complied on long term conservation and sustainable use of wildlife in Sarawak.
  • To include consideration on the impacts of harvesting activities to stakeholders as written in Social Impact Assessment (SIA) to the workers and local community within the FMU.
  • Social benefits of forest to local communities through using the logging roads for hunting, fishing and collecting forest produce such as rattan for pecuniary benefits.
  • Minimum disturbance or protection on soil and water and least environmental impacts is to the surrounding in protection of ecological resources.
  • Safety aspects and workplace environment to all workers and their family on their job allocated.
  • Respecting the right of the workers and local community (if any).
  • Enhancing carbon storage in the forest ecosystem through minimize disturbance of forest.  Reduced emission is from deforestation and degradation.  

The FMU is divided into 25 coupes based on 25-year cutting cycle.

The minimum cutting limits shall be 45.0 cm DBH and above for Non-Dipterocarps and 50.0 cm DBH and above for Dipterocarps.

The FMU adopt the Reduced Impact Logging (RIL) system using modified excavators and 100% tagging of trees harvested.

The FMP will be revised in 5 years’ time or in Year 2024 incorporating any new data and findings especially the actual MAI assessment from the PSPs data collected during the next 3 – 4 years’ time to have an actual forest growth, mortality and any logging harvesting damages and etc within the FMU/licensed areas, monitoring on HCVFs, Kerangas, Terrain IV, water catchment, stream buffer zone, HCVFs, FMU boundary, wildlife, saltlicks, silviculture on the replanting and growth projection until next cutting cycle after 25 years.  The result will be incorporated with the revised FMP including the new permanent sample plots (PSP). 

The monitoring result of the growth simulation, composition and species diversity gathered from post-harvest inventory and growth data of enrichment planting and silviculture treatment.  The calculation of the future crop harvest in the next cutting cycle (i.e. after 25 years), mean annual increment (MAI) and annual allowable cut (AAC) solicited from the assessment period.  Meanwhile, a monitoring on wildlife, avifauna, flora, HCVFs such HCV, Kerangas, stream buffer zones, saltlicks as well as the verification of FMU/licence boundary to check any occurrence of new Shifting Agriculture (SA), encroachment, gravity feed water catchment used by the local communities (if any) and to collect data of all research works, appropriate to the scale and intensity of the forest management operations such as below:

  1. Yield of all forest products harvested through compilation of trees stocking from 100% enumeration, post-harvest on residual stands, PCT, mother trees and etc. data.
  2. Growth rates, silviculture, regeneration and condition of the forest after the harvesting.
  3. Composition and observed changes in the fauna and flora as mention in Section of Chapter 10.
  4. Environmental and social impacts of harvesting and other operations related to the FMU.
  5. Costs, productivity and efficiency of forest management within the said period within the FMU and etc. within the licensed areas and this result will be super imposed to the revised FMP.
  6. Compilation of wildlife, HCVs, FMU boundary monitoring data.